Pete is a christian, a conservative and a patriot. He has held numerous positions during his lifetime, including work in the design and manufacture of dry ink toners for copiers, managing a U.S. based printed circuit board component manufacturer and more recently as an electrician constructing multi-billion dollar chip fabrication plants, utility scale solar fields and other large manufacturing facilities. His real world experience uniquely qualifies him to make decisions on the direction Pinal County should take pertaining to energy. He has a proven track record of working with others to solve complex problems. Pete and his wife, Tanya, have lived in southern Pinal county for six years and plan to retire here in this beautiful place.
Pete has always been interested in politics on some level, however, this interest peaked in 2020 during the beginning of the pandemic. Despite there being no pandemic exception to the US or AZ Constitutions, he was alarmed to see so many rights that are normally taken for granted infringed upon, or in some cases outright revoked. Freedom of movement, bodily autonomy, free speech, the ability to run a legal business, the ability to work and earn a living, as well as the right to refuse to wear an experimental medical device all were severely impacted with no ability to seek redress with government on any level.
On a personal level, Pete and his wife enjoy their small acreage and devote much of their free time to building it into a self-sufficient property with a variety of animals and food trees. Regenerative agriculture is a passion.
“Conception means to first come into existence. It is of course a human life that
we are talking about here, and by semantic definition, as well as scientific definition, and most importantly, Almighty God's begins at conception. As one of our most important founding documents states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life..."
Our state and country are being invaded by thousands of predominantly military age, single males who are coming across our wide open southern border every day. Many are gang members and criminals whose entry into the United States is being facilitated by federal government employees at the direction of the Biden administration. The lack of a border allows human trafficking and drug trafficking to flourish, with the result that 100,000 Americans die from fentanyl every year and 85,000 foreign born children are missing since January 20, 2021. Increasingly, resources for veterans and other citizens are being given to people who have broken the law to be here. Estimates are that providing debit cards, rental assistance, food stamps, pre-paid cellphones and other programs have cost US taxpayers more than $20 billion since Biden took office. While a county supervisor doesn't have statutory authority to enforce US immigration law, Pete will work to make sure Pinal County Law Enforcement personnel and the County Attorney's office have all the resources they need to keep criminals off our streets.
Our founding fathers knew all too well the threat to liberty posed by a tyrannical government. This is why they enshrined our God-given right to protect ourselves and our liberty in the second amendment. It is the right that protects all our other rights. "Shall not be infringed" seems pretty clear.
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” This quote has been attributed to Joseph Stalin, although historians disagree if he ever really said this. The point is valid nonetheless. Machine counting of ballots, particularly when county election officials do not have access to the source code that runs these machines and the machines themselves are for various reasons, highly susceptible to hacking, means that our elections are not truly secure. Pete supports a return to hand counting of ballots at the precinct level, an end to month-long early voting and mail-in voting, except in properly documented cases of military deployment or disability that prevent in-person voting on election day. Pete also opposes ranked-choice voting and will support any effort to restore integrity to our election process.
Arizona is a nation-wide leader in school choice, which gives parents the power to make decisions for their children. This is critical today when so many public schools have become indoctrination centers for woke policies promoted by the political left. Pete supports continued use of ESA's which allow parents the flexibility to send their children to whatever school best suits their needs, whether it be a private school, a trade school, or home schooling. If we continue to allow the indoctrination of our children, our Republic will end with our generation.
There is no pandemic exception to the US or AZ Constitutions. Our founding fathers were familiar with smallpox pandemics. In fact, smallpox outbreaks affected the outcome of several battles during the Revolutionary War, yet our founding fathers did not make our rights conditional upon public health decrees. Never before in American history have healthy people been prevented from traveling, running their small businesses, worshipping their God in churches, and freely associating with anyone they wanted to. Now that we know masks don't work against respiratory viruses, the lockdowns caused more harm than good and put millions more Americans into poverty by damaging our economy, the shots didn't prevent the spread of covid, and asymptomatic spread didn't occur, we must acknowledge the massive public health mistakes made and return to a more sane policy of encouraging people to stay home when they don't feel well. Any attempt to take people's rights away under the guise of public health will be vehemently opposed by Pete.
Capitalism has been the driver of American exceptionalism for our entire history. People have been free to pursue their dreams by innovating and working hard to achieve success. Government should protect the right of private property and business owners to determine the best use of their resources and talents. Lower taxes promote economic growth which results in more revenue for government to use providing citizens with infrastructure so growth doesn't create problems like traffic bottlenecks.
These freedoms form the foundations of our republic. When the government dictates pronoun usage, we have moved into full-scale tyranny. “Separation of church and state” was never intended to remove Christianity from government. Thomas Jefferson was assuring the Danville Baptist Association that the federal government could never dictate to the states what denomination of Christianity their state must adopt. Christianity was the religion that laid the foundations of our republic. It should always be protected, defended, and honored.
Paid for by Pete for Pinal